Curs Oracle Database – SQL Tuning for Developers
Cursuri Online
Preț: la cerere
Durată curs: 5 zile
Modalitate de organizare: Clasa close (pentru companii)
Locație: Clasa virtuala/Sediul clientului
Cunoștințe prealabile:
Familiarity with data processing concepts and techniques
Understanding of SQL statements
Understanding of SQL statements
Identify the major structural components of the Oracle Database
Utilize views to display data
Control database access to specific objects
Manage schema objects
Display data from multiple tables using join
Manage objects with data dictionary views
Write multiple-column sub-queries
Use scalar and correlated sub-queries
Create reports of sorted and restricted data
Identify poorly performing SQL
Interpret execution plans and the different ways in which data can be accessed
Understand how the Query Optimizer makes decisions about how to access data
Decipher, decide and then apply tuning to SQL code
Take advantage of bind variables, trace files and use the different types of indexes
List the possible methods of accessing data, including different join methods
Modify a SQL statement to perform at its best
Utilize views to display data
Control database access to specific objects
Manage schema objects
Display data from multiple tables using join
Manage objects with data dictionary views
Write multiple-column sub-queries
Use scalar and correlated sub-queries
Create reports of sorted and restricted data
Identify poorly performing SQL
Interpret execution plans and the different ways in which data can be accessed
Understand how the Query Optimizer makes decisions about how to access data
Decipher, decide and then apply tuning to SQL code
Take advantage of bind variables, trace files and use the different types of indexes
List the possible methods of accessing data, including different join methods
Modify a SQL statement to perform at its best